Introduction of a new Road/Rail truck TERBERG/ZAGRO RR282 6x4 at STE Dunkirk
Société du Terminal de l'Escaut (STE) is located in Dunkirk, directly…
On May 21st, 2014, Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister, and Dr. Roman Glaser, President of the Cooperative Confederation of Volks- and Raiffeisen…
DB Regio in Dresden has replaced its old KÖF II small locomotive by a ZAGRO road/rail Unimog U 400.
At Schuster Entsorgung a second-hand ZAGRO road/rail Unimog U 400 replaces an old road/rail MB trac. Its wagon brake system enables our customer in…
Läpple AG in Teublitz, Bavaria, has decided to replace its KÖF II small locomotive by a ZAGRO Unimog U 400. The Unimog has an additional trailer…
ZWEIWEG has delivered to BSAG, the Bremer Straßenbahn (Tramway) AG a road-rail vehicle based on a MAN TGS 18.320 for the track gauge 1,435 mm. The…
Together with the bridge inspection equipment manufacturer Moog, we have developed a road/rail bridge inspection vehicle for Indonesia’s Railway…
Together with the fire fighting manufacturer Rosenbauer International we have developed two fire fighting vehicles based on a MAN TGS 33.480 for the…
ZWEIWEG has delivered a second road/rail vehicle to the BOGESTRA, Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahn (Tramway) AG, based on a MAN TGM 18.290 for the…
For the LARAG AG in Switzerland, we have equipped a trailer with a ZWEIWEG rail guiding system for the standard gauge 1,435 mm. The trailer disposes…